Raising Money Smart Kids | Robert Franer [PODCAST]

Raising Money Smart Kids | Robert Franer

You might have your kids saving up in piggy banks, but how do you get them ready to tackle money in the real world? Today’s guest, Robert Franer, has a ton of actionable advice when it comes to instilling the foundation money skills your kids need to master. Of course, parenting looks different for everyone, but this episode will have you thinking about a framework to building your childrens’ money mindset, spending habits, and investing predisposition.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What does it mean to be good with money?
  • The dichotomy between encouragement and discipline
  • Instilling a sense of charity into your kids’ money mindset
  • Grooming spending habits early on
  • Transitioning your kids into providing for themselves
  • An approach to credit cards at an early age

More of Robert:



Catholic Money Mastermind Podcast is a personal podcast meant for educational and entertainment. It should not be taken as financial advice, and is not prescriptive of your financial situation.

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