Welcome to the Catholic Financial Planners Network

Finally, there is a Catholic voice in the personal financial planning space.

We Catholics have an obligation to be good stewards when managing our financial lives. Areas like debt, prudent use of income, investing, and even choosing your path to wealth, are all areas that should be viewed from a Catholic worldview.

Because our world is constantly changing, financial planning from a Catholic perspective requires study and thought leadership from serious Catholics in finance.

Our network was created for this reason.

This is who we are:


Our members include financial professionals that hold designations such as the CFP®, CPA, AAMS, and EA.

We have specialized expertise in areas like Morally Responsible Investing, Young Families, Student Loans, Early Retirement, Newlyweds, College Planning, Tax Planning, and Charitable Giving. 

Collectively, we have served hundreds of individual families in solving problems with their finances.


Our members are faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

We are also committed to acting in our clients’ best interests. As a group, we are financial planners first. Although we vary on the way our advice is delivered, whether it be “fee-based,” “fee-only,” or “advice-only,” we agree that proper financial planning has priority over the sale of investment or insurance products.

In humility, we also recognize that simply “relying on experts” should not be the answer to achieving our financial goals. That is why we believe that education and empowerment of individual families is a crucial part of how we serve our clients.


Our members all believe that every financial decision must be made with the big picture in mind. Indeed, we all share the same “big picture” goal after all, which is the Salus Animarum, or the salvation of souls.

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